Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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Call of Cthulhu Delta Green Jungle Team 28mm Scale Painted Game Miniatures
Filed under: Science Fiction, Horror, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 10:33 am
Rumble in the jungle!
Delta Green teams go wherever they are needed to protect humanity from the horrors that hide in the shadows. Sometimes, that means entering the green hell of deep jungles. The hot humid environments often are far removed from human activity, providing alien and supernatural horrors with remote locations to operate within.
Each base includes an assortment of scratchbuilt flora to add a hint of the jungle terrain.
These 28mm scale miniatures can be used in a variety of horror and science fiction role-playing games such as Call of Cthulhu™. They are also excellent for table top miniature skirmish war games including Majestic 13™, Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.
If you like these miniatures, visit my store to see a variety of my painted game miniatures that are available to purchase.
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Robot Warrior 28mm Scale Miniature for Science Fiction Tabletop Wargames Including Stargrave and Five Parsecs From Home
Filed under: Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 6:47 pm
Advances in artificial intelligence has enabled the creation of independent non-organic life forms such as this robotic warrior. Leaps in “artificial” cortex systems allow the new generations of NOSI (Non-Organic Sentient Individual) to be completely self-contained and capable of forming their own personality, thoughts and motivations. These “individuals” are generally granted all the rights and responsibilities of organic sentients.
This miniature has been customized and kitbashed from various 28mm-scale components.
The NOSI can be introduced in many science fiction role-plating games and table top wargames including Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™. They can represent player characters as well as NPCs.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Female Starship Crew Miniatures Pilot and Engineer for Stargrave and Five Parsecs From Home 28mm Scale Painted
Filed under: Science Fiction, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 2:20 pm
These two miniatures represent part of the crew of the High Hope, a small independent trader starship plying the backwater star lanes.
First, we have the pilot.Tough as an carolyte crystal, Aral Dunham is a seasoned starcraft pilot. Her only loyalty is to her ship and its crew. She often refers to the High Hope as “Baby”.
Dejun Ote is the ship’s engineer. She possesses an uncanny ability to take care of any ship’s system. Dejun is an invaluable member of the crew. She has proven herself capable of sourcing needed equipment and supplies in nearly any star system , even bending legalities if necessary.
These are resin miniatures in 28mm scale. They can be used in nearly any science fiction role-playing game or table top miniature game.
More of my painted miniatures can be found on my store.
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Village Mob Armed With Pitchforks and Torches and More 28mm Painted Horror Game Miniatures
Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 10:40 am
Torches, pitchforks, and more, oh my! The peasants are revolting! These characters often make an appearance in classic horror films and stories including miniature games.
Well, our mad doctor has finally done it. His experiments may have challenged the limits of scientific knowledge, but his methods have certainly caused fear to spread through the neighboring village. The townfolk are taking matters into their own hands. Here come the angry villagers approaching to air their grievances by force if necessary.
The Doctor would be well served to address the mob’s demands, particularly considering the many flammable chemicals his laboratory is filled with.
These plastic 28mm scale figures are ready to appear in many horror role playing games including pulp action and Call of Cthulhu. They can also be used to add an interesting group to your troops in tabletop wargaming.
You can check out my painted game miniatures for sale at my store.
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Armed Frontier Colonists in 28mm Scale for Science Fiction RPGs and TTGs Like Stargrave, Traveller and Five Parsecs From Home
Filed under: Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025, Scratchbuilt
Posted by: G R @ 9:48 am

Colonizing a new planet is not for the weak. In most instances it means long years of toil on the frontier of an untamed world. Sometimes colonists face aggressive native species; sometime the danger comes from age old clashes brought within the human community. New colony worlds can also become the target for roving space pirates intent on raiding small colonies for valuable plunder. The need for basic defense is common.
Often the struggling settlements possess only low-tech small arms because of the cost of importing and maintaining higher-tech weapons. In times of trouble, this group of colonists carries an assortment of slug throwers from handguns to shotguns.

I chose to paint the figures with muted colors. The head coverings and clothing accents are painted in a similar color to suggest the characters belong to a particular family, clan or community.
These 28mm-scale miniatures are kitbashed from models by different manufacturers. They could be used in a variety of science fiction role-playing and table top miniature games including Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.
You can see more of my painted miniatures by visiting my store.

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Call of Cthulhu Investigators and Researchers College Co-ed, Reporter, Socialite and Doctor 1920-30s 28mm Painted Miniatures
Filed under: General, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 4:13 pm

The Cthulhu Mythos has lured many people to their peril. Here are four individuals from the 1920-30s becoming embroiled with the Mythos.

The young college co-ed. As a library research assistant, she stumbled into Mythos references in the restricted book stacks of her university library. Now she has a thirst for divining even deeper arcane knowledge.
The reporter. Hungry for sensational stories to add to his byline, he is always on the lookout for tidbits with even the smallest hints of the occult.
The socialite turned investigator. Her social connections have revealed rumors of dark activities among the upper classes and she intends to uncover the truth.
The doctor. Drawn into the dark webs of experimental medical techniques, he finds himself entangled with knowledge better left unknown.
These 28mm scale painted resin miniatures would fit into any 1920-30s Call of Cthulhu™ game. They also can be useful in other Horror and Pulp Action table top miniatures and role-playing games.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Majestic 13 Alien Hunting Team 28mm Plastic Minaitures
Filed under: General, Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 10:55 am
In 1941, humanity made its first verified contact with extraterrestrials on Earth in modern times. The result was the creation of a secret worldwide network of organizations capable of fighting possible alien incursions around the planet. That effort evolved into Majestic 13 and is tasked with defending the Earth while keeping the existence of aliens from the public at large.
Select teams of operatives are maintained and dispatched to deal with extraterrestrial threats around the globe. This is one such team.
Armed with a variety of weapons, including some incorporating captured alien technology, they are our first line of defense.
The Majestic 13™ table top miniatures game is published by Snarling Badger Studios. It is a miniatures agnostic game system which allows you use any appropriate miniatures.
These plastic 28mm scale figures can represent your Player Characters or NPCs in many science fiction table top miniatures games and role-playing games including Majestic 13™, Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Legion Against Terran Expansion LATE Alien Warriors 28mm Miniatures For Stargrave Five Parsecs From Home and Other Science Fiction Table Top and RPG Games
Filed under: Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025, Scratchbuilt
Posted by: G R @ 6:23 pm

As interstellar flight became available, Earth’s inhabitants journeyed beyond the confines of their home solar system. Most contact with new sentient species went smoothly and with little conflict. Unfortunately, the expansion sometimes fell short of noble intentions. Some Terran individuals, groups and governments brought with them age-old problems. Political interests, religious beliefs, racial/species bias, commercial greed and more caused friction in some interactions.

The League Against Terran Expansion (LATE) is a loose affiliation of diverse sentients who have banded together to try to stop the spread of Terrans in the galaxy. Mostly the members are individuals who harbor grievances against Humans.
More tenacious than organized, the tactics frequently involve hit and run attacks on smaller targets. Armaments tend toward the lower tech levels, although scavenged higher tech gear will make an appearance when available.

These plastic 28mm scale game miniatures are kit-bashed from multiple manufacturers. They can be useful in many science fiction games including Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.

Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.

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Science Fiction Miniature Crew in Vac Suits for 28mm Stargrave and Five Parsecs From Home
Filed under: Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 1:22 pm
Sometimes you need to board another spaceship in the void of space. Or maybe you have to conduct a salvage mission on a world with an inhospitable atmosphere. You just need to don your vac suit to get on with the job at hand.
These three crew members are wearing light weight vac suits. The suits are orange for better visibility in darkened or obscured environs. Each suit has a scratch built environmental backpack providing basic life support.
The pilot carries a laser pistol. The technician holds a datapad and tool. The security officer is armed with a power rifle.
These 28mm scale miniatures can be utilized in many science fiction role-playing games and table top wargames, including Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.
Visit my webstore to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Cargo Handling Robots for 25-28mm Science Fiction Miniature Table Top Games
Filed under: General, Science Fiction, 25-28 mm, All contents including pictures Copyright 2010-2025
Posted by: G R @ 10:53 am
So, you are the captain of a small starship. You earn part of your revenue by moving cargo between planets. Consider adding some Cargo Bots to your crew.
These lower-tech robots can simplify the job of loading and unloading cargo, particularly for smaller vessels. Once given their instructions, they can be left on their own to complete the job while you and your organic crew perform higher priority assignments.
They are also very useful in retrieving cargo from derelicts being salvaged (or by the unscrupulous space pirate, to secure newly “liberated” cargo).
These game miniatures stand about 1-1/8 inches (28 mm) tall, including the base.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures for science fiction, fantasy and horror table top war games and role-playing games.
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