Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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Ghostly Spirits Rise From the Game Board in Time for Halloween Scares - 25-28mm Scale Phantoms
Filed under: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk, Post Apocalypse, Monsters, Undead
Posted by: G R @ 2:12 pm
The end of September is nearly here which means Halloween is just around the corner. It’s time for the ethereal spirits of the dead to rise from their burial places and haunt your characters.
Here are five graveyard ghosties ready to drift about your lonely cemetery, abandoned house, or forgotten battlefield.
Each spirit sports a tormented visage. Wails of the damned emanate from their distended mouths.
Perhaps they are trying to seek help from the living to right a wrong in their past life. Or maybe they just enjoy causing fear in whomever they encounter.
These miniatures are sculpted in the 25-28mm game scale. Ghostly spirits can appear in nearly any style of role-playing game or table top miniatures game. Fantasy, horror, pulp, science fiction, they all can be enlivened by a phantom or two.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures, including other Halloween Horrors for a special fall game session of terror.
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Victorian British Servants with Weapons 25mm Painted Game Miniatures
Filed under: Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 10:09 am

Time to meet the staff. You will notice that we run a tight ship here on the manor. The servants are prepared to protect the manor house from all sorts of unwelcome visitors, including rough vagrants, agents of criminal masterminds, even the servitors of the Great Old Ones.

First off we have the butler. He is the chief servant and supervises the rest of the household staff. He also manages his Lordship’s extensive gun collection. As his eyes have lost a bit of their sharpness in later life, he has selected a sturdy double barreled shotgun to make up for slightly diminished combat skills.

Our maid handles much of the general housework about the place. She is as ready to wield her shotgun as a duster. Besides, she is quite capable of cleaning up those nasty messes made by her weapon of choice. Getting the blood stains (human or otherwise) out of the parlor carpet is a snap for her, particularly when the blood is freshly spilt.

As coachman, our man is busy with many duties around the manor house, including setting the table ware for the family and guests. He is also quite capable with his rifle in dissuading unwanted guests.

Last, but not least, is Cook. A marvel in the kitchen in preparing many wondrous dishes. She also is handy at applying her rolling pin to the heads of any miscreant who enters her domain. When harsher punishment is called for, she is rather handy with a revolver.

Never under estimate the value of good help.

These 25mm scale miniatures work well as secondary characters in many historical periods from the late 18002 to the early 20th Century.  They would be comfortable in game genres from Victorian Pulp, Steampunk, Call of Cthulhu™ and others.

Visit my store to see my painted miniatures.

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Victorian Woman with Revolver Painted Miniature for Horror or VSF Gaming
Filed under: Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 4:40 pm

Cloaked in a heavy cape to keep the clinging fog at bay, this young Victorian woman is dressed for the outdoors. But is she prepared for the evil that hides in the swirling darkness on the brick streets?

Victorian woman with revolver painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games front view
Perhaps so. She carries a small revolver for protection. And her proper upright stance indicates a certain toughness hidden in her young years.
Victorian woman with revolver painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games rear view
This 25 mm scale figure could be used in various game settings including Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk, and Call of Cthulhu™.

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Pulp Flier Aviator Action Hero 25 mm Miniature Figure
Filed under: Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 9:10 am

Strong winds swirl this aviator’s heavy flying coat as he prepares to fire the machine pistol held in his extended right hand.

Pulp steampunk aviator with machine pistol 25 mm painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games front view
His flying uniform is designed to protect him from the rigors of high altitude flight.  The long coat is fur lined, as are his heavy leather gloves.  His goggles sit atop his leather helmet.  In addition, he wears sturdy insulated boots.  He obviously spends a lot of time up in the colder regions of the atmosphere, possibly in his biplane or airship.
Pulp steampunk aviator with machine pistol 25 mm painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games rear view
The expression on our hero’s face shows battle rage mixed with grim determination as he combats vicious air pirates, heartless automaton clockwork soldiers, or even floating predators roaming the air ways.

This 25 mm game miniature really captures the rough and tumble essence of a pulp aviator.  He would fit in any pulp, steampunk, Victorian Science Fiction, or even Call of Cthulhu adventure campaign.

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Allan Quatermain Legendary Pulp Hero 25 mm Painted Miniature
Filed under: Pulp, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 6:55 am

Allan Quatermain - marksman without equal, big game hunter, and friend to Africa!

Allan Quatermain pulp hero 25 mm painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games front view
This 25 mm miniature captures Quatermain in his iconic bush “uniform”.  Ready for another day under the hot savannah sun.
Allan Quatermain pulp hero 25 mm painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games rear view
Quatermain provides a great hero for pulp games, as well as possibilities in Steampunk and Victorian Science Fiction campaigns (think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).

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Imperial Baron in Dress Uniform Victorian Science Fiction or Pulp 25 mm Miniature
Filed under: Pulp, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 5:56 pm

Stiff-backed and unbending, the Baron projects a commanding aura in any
situation.  He is used to having his orders obeyed without discussion,
whether it be on the battlefield or in the social court.

Imperial Baron Victorian Science Fiction, pulp action and Call of Cthulhu 25 mm painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games front view
Here the Baron is decked out in his dress uniform.  But the pistol holstered on his right hip is not just for show.  Nor is the saber hanging from his belt.  Both weapons are ready to be brought into a combat situation and used with high proficiency.
Imperial Baron Victorian Science Fiction, pulp action and Call of Cthulhu 25 mm painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games rear view
This 25 mm miniature would be at home in various game worlds.  In Victorian Science Fiction, the Baron could be the commanding officer of the Imperial German Martian Expeditionary Forces.  Or he could represent the power-hungry mastermind bent on world domination in any pulp action campaign.

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Victorian British Lord and Lady Figures Cthulhu Investigators VSF Steampunk 25mm
Filed under: Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk
Posted by: G R @ 8:00 am

Presenting a Victorian Lord and his Lady. Two members of the British upper crust who epitomize the belief that proper upbringing and correct social interaction can win out over any obstacle.

Victorian British Lord painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games front
Victorian British Lady painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games front

The Lord is dressed in a stately outfit including a long tailed waist jacket. Of course he carries a gold-topped walking cane, which may or may not disguise a hidden sword blade. A freshly cut flower from the estate’s gardens adorns his lapel.
Victorian British Lord painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games rear
Victorian British Lady painted figure for use in role-playing games and table top war games rear
The Lady wears an elegant gown perfect for an evening of entertaining her guests as lady of the manor.

Yes, these two upstanding community leaders are certain that everything is right in their ordered world.  Of course, dark eldar gods, crazed cultists, and criminal masterminds may have different opinions!

Both figures have been mounted on brickwork bases. These miniatures can be useful in a variety of game genres including Victorian Science Fiction and Steampunk. Perhaps they are in fact refined Call of Cthulhu investigators.

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British Explorer with Revolver 25 mm Victorian Science Fiction. Pulp or Call of Cthulhu
Filed under: General, Science Fiction, Pulp, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction
Posted by: G R @ 10:00 am

Every gentleman knows the importance of maintaining one’s disposition in all situations.  Even when preparing to use ones revolver to dissuade those pesky Cthulhu cultists from sacrificing a colleague to the Eldar Gods, to enlighten a raging Venusian swamp lizard in proper civilized behavior, and other social situations.

British exploer armed with revolver for Victorian Science Fiction role-playing or table top miniatures war game
Our upstanding British explorer is dressed for a day on safari or perhaps an evening of exploring ancient ruins.
British exploer armed with revolver for Victorian Science Fiction role-playing or table top miniatures war game
This figure would be useful in an 1890’s Call of Cthulhu adventure of arcane horror.  Or in a more historical scenario of exploration in Darkest Africa.

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