Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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Village Mob Armed With Pitchforks and Torches and More 28mm Painted Horror Game Miniatures
Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 10:40 am
Torches, pitchforks, and more, oh my! The peasants are revolting! These characters often make an appearance in classic horror films and stories including miniature games.
Well, our mad doctor has finally done it. His experiments may have challenged the limits of scientific knowledge, but his methods have certainly caused fear to spread through the neighboring village. The townfolk are taking matters into their own hands. Here come the angry villagers approaching to air their grievances by force if necessary.
The Doctor would be well served to address the mob’s demands, particularly considering the many flammable chemicals his laboratory is filled with.
These plastic 28mm scale figures are ready to appear in many horror role playing games including pulp action and Call of Cthulhu. They can also be used to add an interesting group to your troops in tabletop wargaming.
You can check out my painted game miniatures for sale at my store.
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The Cult of the Red Hood 25-28mm Scale Fantasy or Pulp Game Miniatures
Filed under: Fantasy, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 11:24 am
Introducing the Cult of the Red Hood! This group of evil cultists seeks to summon a demon from the nether world, known only by its common name Red Hood. The members can be identified by the black and red vestments worn during their dark ceremonies.
Here we have two of the leaders of the cult. Merdoc, the cult’s Grand Priest, wears the symbolic red hood itself. He carries the Staff of Red Hood along with an arcane volume containing the cult’s most secret rites. (This figure is a custom altered miniature.) Standing next to him is Avalin, the High Priestess. Her red hood is a badge of her role as the second in command.
Two Servitor Priests are also represented. Both wear red vestments announcing their positions. Brother Tomlin reads from one of the cult’s lesser tomes while Brother Bathor wields a ceremonial dagger used in the cult’s sacrificial rites.
These cult figures could appear in various miniature gaming settings including Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Action role-playing and table top miniatures wargames.
See more of my painted miniatures at my store.
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Ghostly Spirits Rise From the Game Board in Time for Halloween Scares - 25-28mm Scale Phantoms
Filed under: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk, Post Apocalypse, Monsters, Undead
Posted by: G R @ 2:12 pm
The end of September is nearly here which means Halloween is just around the corner. It’s time for the ethereal spirits of the dead to rise from their burial places and haunt your characters.
Here are five graveyard ghosties ready to drift about your lonely cemetery, abandoned house, or forgotten battlefield.
Each spirit sports a tormented visage. Wails of the damned emanate from their distended mouths.
Perhaps they are trying to seek help from the living to right a wrong in their past life. Or maybe they just enjoy causing fear in whomever they encounter.
These miniatures are sculpted in the 25-28mm game scale. Ghostly spirits can appear in nearly any style of role-playing game or table top miniatures game. Fantasy, horror, pulp, science fiction, they all can be enlivened by a phantom or two.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures, including other Halloween Horrors for a special fall game session of terror.
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Painted Miniature Abominable Snowman Yeti Monster in 25-28mm Scale
Filed under: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 11:41 am

A large shadow moves in the swirling snow storm. Suddenly, a furred beast bursts from the white landscape, an inhuman roar crashes across the frozen land!

It is the mythical Abominable Snowman and he is very unhappy that you have dared to enter his domain

The creature’s coloration allows it to blend in with the snowy environment. Its natural camouflage makes it very difficult to detect the monster at any distance.
The Yeti possesses deadly claws on its hands and feet that are capable of inflicting severe damage. As seen in the pictures, the creature also has large dangerous teeth and it’s bite can easily shred clothing and body tissue. Even armor cannot hold up to repeated assaults by this powerful monster.
This creature is large and will tower over most 25-28 mm scale human figures. It stands about 1-7/8 inches (48 mm) to the top of its head. The base measures 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) in diameter.
The Yeti can appear in  many game settings. It could be used in fantasy, horror, science fiction, pulp action, and super hero role-playing adventures and table top miniature war games.

Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.

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Wizard’s Apprentice Carrying Pile of Magical Scrolls 25mm Scale Fantasy Miniature
Filed under: Fantasy, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 3:07 pm
Great wizards are not born, they spend an enormous amount of time studying magic and its workings. They usually start their arcane careers by apprenticing themselves to an established magic user. In most cases, apprenticing means handling a lot of mundane tasks for their teachers.
Here we have a young female apprentice hoping to learn the magical arts.
Sometimes, the job requires the student to do simple tasks, such as running to the master’s library and collecting the pile of scrolls necessary for her next spell session.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Miniature Ice Orc Warrior for 25-28mm Scale Wargames and Role-Playing Games
Filed under: Fantasy, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 10:18 am
There are many dangers awaiting to confront the unwary adventurer in the wintry realm. The great ice orcs are one of the most dangerous.
Large, intelligent and evil, these cousins of the common orc are easily recognized by their pale blue skins. This orc warrior makes a formidable enemy on the battleground.
His main weapon is a wicked battle axe. He also carries a dagger in a sheath on his hip. His armor consists of studded leather armor over a chainmail coat, as well as a pointed helmet. He carries a metal reinforced wooden shield in his left hand.
The sculptor has done a nice job of capturing the combat ferocity of this 25-28mm scale miniature. The ice orc can easily find a place in many fantasy role-playing games including Dungeons & Dragons™ and table top war games such as Frostgrave™.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Dungeon Serpent Stalks the Unwary - A 25-28mm Scale Miniature for Fantasy and Horror Game Encounters
Filed under: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 3:33 pm
Danger lies in the darkness! The dungeon serpent hunts the unwary adventurer.
These creatures slither among the dark chambers of underground dungeons and caverns. Their dark coloration allow them to be almost invisible in the shadows even in the presence of flickering torchlight. Only a very faint whispering noise made by their scaly bodies flowing across floors may alert a possible prey that he is being hunted.
Intelligent, these monsters are known to hunt in packs as well as solitary predators. When attacking, their mouths split open into four prehensile “lips” that grab their victim, pulling him into the gaping maw lined with poisonous fangs.
This miniature works well with 25 to 28 mm scale wargame figures. It is generic enough to be able to appear in a wide range of game settings including fantasy, horror, pulp and science fiction.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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A Miniature Mi-Go the Fungi from Yuggoth from H. P. Lovecraft’s Classic Cthulhu Mythos in 28mm Scale
Filed under: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 3:44 pm

Meet a Mi-Go, one of the alien races created by H. P. Lovecraft in his Cthulhu Mythos.

Hailing from the distant planet Yuggoth, the Mi-Go are thought to be based on the biology of a fungus as that is the closest it can be described by human’s limited understanding of the odd molecular-level differences found in the Mi-Go body. However, the Mi-Go possess advanced scientific knowledge and skills in tissue manipulation which allows them cast their own bodies in many forms. Here is one of the more common forms which appears to be crustacean in design. The bat-like wings allow the creature to travel freely through the aether between planets.
The mass of tentacle-like appendages on the head produce a range of light emissions which appears to allow the Mi-Go to communicate with others of its kind.
This game miniature is based on a 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) disk.The 25mm human figure is shown to give an idea of scale.
The sculptor has done a nice job of capturing the Mi-go’s alien appearance. Although the Mi-Go originate in horror fiction and are used in the Call of Cthulhu™ horror role-playing game, they could just as well appear as creatures in science fiction and fantasy game worlds.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Miniature Brothers in Arms - Two Armored Knights in 25mm Scale
Filed under: Fantasy, 25-28 mm
Posted by: G R @ 7:05 pm
This pair of armored knights could actually be brothers serving the same noble.
Our first fighter wields a powerful two-handed sword as his preferred weapon in combat. He wears a full suit of plate and chainmail armor. He also carries a longsword in the sheath at his side.
The second knight would rather carry a footman’s shield for additional protection. He also wears plate and chainmail armor. With  one hand devoted to carrying his shield, this warrior has selected a standard longsword as his weapon of choice.
These game miniatures are 25mm scale and would fit in any historical or fantasy medieval game world.
Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.
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Horrors From the Deep: H. P. Lovecraft’s Deep Ones 25-28mm Miniature Monsters
Filed under: Fantasy, Pulp, Horror, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 11:43 am

These ocean-dwelling creatures are straight from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos.

Amphibious in nature, they are capable of leaving the sea for brief periods of time to interact with their human allies or to attack their enemies. Cthulhu investigators need to be wary of these creatures in coastal areas around the world.

Worshipers of Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. They live in their watery cities deep beneath the waves.

These 25-28mm scale figures stand somewhat taller than the average human. The sculptor has done a nice job of capturing the inhuman sentience of the creatures.

These miniatures can be used in any Call of Cthulhu™ game. They could easily appear in many other horror, fantasy and science fiction games, both role-playing and table top wargames.

Visit my store to see more of my painted game miniatures.

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