In 1941, humanity made its first verified contact with extraterrestrials on Earth in modern times. The result was the creation of a secret worldwide network of organizations capable of fighting possible alien incursions around the planet. That effort evolved into Majestic 13 and is tasked with defending the Earth while keeping the existence of aliens from the public at large.
Select teams of operatives are maintained and dispatched to deal with extraterrestrial threats around the globe. This is one such team.
Armed with a variety of weapons, including some incorporating captured alien technology, they are our first line of defense.
The Majestic 13™ table top miniatures game is published by Snarling Badger Studios. It is a miniatures agnostic game system which allows you use any appropriate miniatures.
These plastic 28mm scale figures can represent your Player Characters or NPCs in many science fiction table top miniatures games and role-playing games including Majestic 13™, Stargrave™ and Five Parsecs From Home™.
my store to see more of my
painted game miniatures.
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