Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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It’s the End of the World As We Know It - More Post Apocalypse Survivors
Filed under: Science Fiction, Pulp, 25-28 mm, Zombies, Post Apocalypse
Posted by: G R @ 1:21 pm

Alien invasionsnature gone wildzombie infestationsman-made catastrophes! It’s the end of the world and there’s plenty of gaming possibilities. Here are three post apocalypse survivors fighting to keep the human race alive.

Post apocalypse zombie survivor soldier painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games front view.
Post apocalypse zombie survivor soldier painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games rear view.
Before the surprise alien invasion, he was a major in the national
special forces. He guesses he still is technically, but since the
initial horrific hostilities, he’s been on his own. But just because it
seems that the government and its armed forces have been forced to go
underground and he no longer is part of the chain of command, doesn’t
mean he’s topped fighting. No, indeed, he’s still a soldier. He has
been busy these last months surviving in the ruins of this city while
organizing a handful of toughened civilians into a small, but effective
team of insurgents. Oh yes, he can still wage war, just on a smaller
Post apocalypse zombie survivor female warrior painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games front view.
Post apocalypse zombie survivor female warrior painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games rear view.
Sure, her city is in ruins all around her. The aliens made a real mess
of the place. But they haven’t succeeded in killing or enslaving all of
the planet’s inhabitants. There are still pockets of survivors. And some
are even fighting back. At least she is, thanks to running into that
army major. He’s taught her some necessary survival skills in the last
couple of months. Plus he was real good at finding non-civilian
equipment. She had been as “civilian” as one could get in the days before the
invasion, but now she’s found a calling and the aliens will continue to
pay their debt to her.
Post apocalypse zombie survivor male civilian warrior painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games front view.
Post apocalypse zombie survivor male civilian warrior painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games rear view.
Man, what a change! He was doing fine, had a mid-level executive job in
the financial system, was moving along with his life plan. Then the
alien ships appeared in the skies and started dumping their troops onto
his city. So his life plan had to be altered. Maybe the methods had
changed dramatically, but he still was helping to sort out the accounts.
In the last few months, he had helped reduce the aliens’ “net worth” and the “books” are still open!

These 25-28 mm figures can fit in with many game scenarios ranging from near future science fiction, horror and post apocalyptic survival.

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