Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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Earth Marine Squad in Vac Suits 15 mm Science Fiction Miniatures
Filed under: Science Fiction, 15-20 mm
Posted by: G R @ 7:07 pm

Armed conflict moves across the stars! Who is tasked with maintaining peace among the human worlds? The Star Marines!

Space marine 6 man squad 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games

Here we have a 6-man squad of Earth Marines outfitted in vac suits for action in the airless voids of deep space or on planets in non-friendly atmospheres.
Space marine 3 man fire team A 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games front view
Space marine 3 man fire team A 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games rear view

These troopers are armed with energy rifles.
Space marine 3 man fire team B 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games front view
Space marine 3 man fire team B 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games rear view

The uniforms feature a hard helmet, life support back pack, and soft skin vac suits.
Space marine in vac suit with energy rifle 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games front view
Space marine in vac suit with energy rifle 15 mm painted figure for science fiction role-playing games and table top war games rear view

These 15 mm scale science fiction war game figures stand approximately 3/4 inch tall (20 mm) from bottom of the base to top of the heads. The miniatures have an outstanding amount of detail for a smaller scale.

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