Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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More Post Apocalypse Combat Soldiers Zombie Hunters 25 mm Miniatures
Filed under: Science Fiction, Horror, 25-28 mm, Zombies, Post Apocalypse
Posted by: G R @ 8:37 am

Here is another group of soldiers looking to survive an alien invasion, zombie breakout, or other end-of-the-world scenario.Their military superstructure may have been decimated, but these survivors still carry on the fight.

This trooper sports a special forces beret. He wears protective body armor and carries an assault rifle along with a holstered sidearm.

Special Forces post apocalypse soldier zombie hunter painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Special Forces post apocalypse soldier zombie hunter painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

Here is our tough as nails leader. True, he only holds a semi-auto pistol and his outfit consists only of fatigues. But the tough image he projects as he chews on his cigar gives a hint that he is more than ready to kick some enemy butt!

Post apocalypse officer leader soldier zombie hunter painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Post apocalypse officer leader soldier zombie hunter painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

He may be without his body armor and is currently fighting in t-shirt, but the submachine gun still makes this soldier formidable.

Post apocalypse soldier zombie hunter with submachinegun painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Post apocalypse soldier zombie hunter with submachinegun painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

And last, but certainly not least, our female trooper is more than proficient with her military assault rifle.

Post apocalypse female soldier zombie hunter with miltary assault rifle painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Post apocalypse female soldier zombie hunter with miltary assault rifle painted figure for role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

More 25 mm scale painted figures to populate the ruins of civilization and throw at the invaders! These miniatures would not be out of place in science fiction role-playing games such as Twilight: 2000™ and Traveller™ as well as many near-future table top war games.

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