Heroes On The Table
Painted Miniature Figures For Tabletop War Games and Role-playing Games ©2010-2023

March 2025
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More Little Terrors or Goblins on the Loose 25 mm Painted Fantasy Miniatures
Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, 25-28 mm, Monsters
Posted by: G R @ 1:32 pm

Goblins! Oh, they’re so cute! No, wait. No they’re not. In fact they are downright horrible diminutive monsters!

Goblin war band with swords and torches painted figure for fantasy role-playing games and table top war games

Goblins may be smaller than most fantasy races, but they certainly make up for it in their demeanor. None of these fellows are going to win any popularity awards.

Group A pair of goblin warriors with swords and torches painted figure for fantasy role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Group A pair of goblin warriors with swords and torches painted figure for fantasy role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

Their primary weapon of choice is a nasty little sword. But this band of goblins also uses fire as a weapon. The torches they carry will light a fire under any party of adventurers unlucky to cross paths with the goblins.

Group B pair of goblin warriors with swords and torches painted figure for fantasy role-playing games and table top war games - front view
Group B pair of goblin warriors with swords and torches painted figure for fantasy role-playing games and table top war games - rear view

Armor is rather piecemeal and consists mostly of metal plates woven into their clothing along with leather bindings on arms and legs. They embellish their clothing with the bones of defeated enemies. The large grins on their faces attest to the blood lust they feel toward their enemies.

Once again, these 25-mm scale goblin miniatures are a reminder that size is not the only indicator of danger when it comes to encounters that your player characters may face in your fantasy role-playing campaign world or table top war game.

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